If I make a mistake on my order, can I cancel or change it?
Yes you can! You can change items or cancel an order up until it is shipped out. If you need to make any changes please contact support@glyderapparel.com immediately. Once it has left our warehouse, we cannot edit or cancel the order. If your order has shipped, please see our returns section and contact support for a Return Authorization number.
How do I return or exchange an item?
Please go to our Shipping and Returns page and look up your order after clicking the "Start a Return" option.
Can I exchange Glyder clothing that I purchased at a boutique / studio?
If you purchased the product from an authorized Glyder retailer, please contact the retailer directly to handle any returns or exchanges.
What if I received the wrong item?
While we always strive for accuracy, unfortunately mistakes sometimes happen. Please accept our sincerest apologies and contact support@glyderapparel.com for immediate assistance.
What if I received a damaged item?
The quality of our clothing is very important to us. In the rare event that one of your items arrives damaged, we sincerely apologize and will do our best to make it right. Please send us a photo of the damage through our Shipping and Returns page when you go start a return.
What are your shipping options?
We offer free ground shipping via USPS for all domestic orders, (does not include Mystery Box orders).
Alternatively, we offer Fedex Ground, Fedex 2-Day Air, Fedex Standard Overnight, USPS Priority Express and First Class International.
Do you ship internationally?
Absolutely! We will ship our clothing to anyone, anywhere in the world. All applicable customs and import duties, fees, taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
Can I track my order?
Yes! As soon as your order ships from our warehouse, a tracking number will be generated and sent to the email address on your account.
Do I have to sign for the package when it is delivered?
We do not require a signature on our packages. FedEx will deliver the package at the address provided. Some residences/businesses are located in an area where FedEx will not drop off packages. We recommend speaking to your local FedEx driver to arrange proper delivery.
How does your shipping pricing work?
Shipping costs are based on the method of shipment, your location, and the weight of the packages.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Glyder accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Paypal.
Does Glyder accept Paypal?
Yes, we do!
Can I use multiple discount codes?
No, at this time we cannot apply multiple discount codes to a single order.
Is there anywhere on the website to see my previous orders or to check the status of an order?
Yes! You can login to your account on our website and search under order history to view previous orders, as well as the status of an order.
How do I change my account information or email address?
To update your account information, please contact a Customer Service Representative or log in to your account on our website.
Is there a phone number I can call?
Yes, we would love to hear from you! Please call +1 (888) 247-5443 with any questions or concerns you may have. We are available to answer calls Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM PST . If you need to contact us outside of those times, you can email us at support@glyderapparel.com
I know my size in other brands. What size should I buy from Glyder?
Please visit our sizing recommendations page on our website. Please note that our legging length is 27", our crop length is 19 1/2" and our 7/8 length is 23".
How should I care for my clothing?
Proper garment care is extremely important to extend the longevity of your Glyder clothing. Please read our Care Guide for proper instructions on how to wash / dry your clothing.
Where do you make your clothing?
All of our clothing is ethically sourced to manufacturers in Vietnam, Taiwan, and Egypt.
Are your bras padded?
All of our bras contain slits for cups, however cups are not included.